Tuesday 12 May 2015

Flowery Notes

Chiang Rai Flower Show, Thailand

All the Pretty Ladies!
I don't think anyone does aesthetics better than the Thais. From their fruit carvings to their flower decorations and traditional architecture, they've got it all down to an art form. We were at the relatively small town of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand in January last year and decided to drop in to see the flower show. And what a show! It was full of the most amazing orchids, giant begonias, lillies and numerous other exotic flowers which any botanist would drool over. My mom certainly did! But the really unique and amazing sights were the man-made creations of flower art. They were truly remarkable, with mannequins dressed up in flowers to instruments covered in them, and if you scroll down, you'll see some for yourself. 

Anyone Planning to Sing Flowery Songs? 

Fragrant Fairy

Haute Couture!

Dancing Girls

Giant Begonias

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